Hey there,

You probably want to know what we do, why we do it, and all our manufacturing secrets.

Well, you've come to the right place.

At REPEAT, we have a mission: to ensure that all menstruating individuals wear menstrual underwear during their periods, regardless of their social class.

Because this protection is flawless in every way... but costs a fortune.

So, we've created the best menstrual underwear on the market at a fair price by streamlining our production chain, eliminating unnecessary intermediaries, and cutting down on our margins.

Why do we do all this?

In 2022, nearly half of the global population still uses period products that are either too expensive and/or unsafe. A significant portion doesn't even have access to these products.

The costs are enormous. €21,500 spent per person in a lifetime for a complete menstrual routine(1), an average of €40 per menstrual underwear while a minimum of 3 is needed, and €18 spent on disposable period products each month. This is unfair.

We don't choose to have periods, and we certainly shouldn't have to pay such a high price for them.

(1) Nighttime protection, daytime protection, wipes, cups, tampons, and other products.

So, we took action and made this commitment: to launch this socially responsible brand, without any investors, using our personal savings.

Three friends with a dream.

At REPEAT, we are a small team that can be counted on two hands.

It all began with the story of three young French designers and entrepreneurial activists—Florian, Anjali, and Jonathan—who dreamt of creating an ethical, positive project that would not only change the lives of others but also their own.

Three designers, two of whom are non-menstruating men, from diverse backgrounds, sharing the same feminist and positive vision of this completely normal phenomenon called menstruation. Yes, it exists. And it was about time.

Three friends who come from afar

We were young and active in advertising agencies, overworked, and we couldn't find meaning in what we were doing.

Mentally, it was taking a toll on us. Financially, it was a struggle.

Passionate about clothing, design, entrepreneurship, and activism, we came across menstrual underwear and its incredible benefits for the body, health, and the planet. However, we were shocked by its exorbitant price, justified by brands as an 'investment.' As if menstruation was a luxury.

Upon discovering this during our research, we knew we had to make a change. It took two long years of exploration, learning, and hard work for REPEAT to come to life in 2020.

How did we do it ?

First, we question our way of production.

Since day one, our goal has been to produce the best menstrual underwear at the best price. But how to achieve that? The complexity of traditional manufacturing processes leads to superficial costs and expensive intermediaries, which ultimately affect the prices. So, we had to completely rethink the production chain. We didn't need to reinvent the wheel, but to improve it.

Produce everything locally and cut out intermediaries.

Mass importing raw materials from all over the world to Europe for a Made in Europe production not only increases costs but also significantly raises the carbon footprint due to all the transportation involved.

That's why we opted for a responsible production process using locally certified materials essential for the menstrual underwear (cotton and bamboo fiber, which are rare and costly in Europe). The production is done locally, sewn on-site, packaged, and then transported by a single boat instead of multiple planes.

Producing in responsible quantities.

Producing multiple models each year with different colors, patterns, or ornaments turns, in our view, menstrual underwear into a fashion item, and especially into Fast Fashion, instead of the opposite.

At REPEAT, we prefer to produce in small quantities, but produce with care. Our stocks are always very limited, allowing us to sell them reasonably and maintain the right quantities. This system may sometimes require a bit of patience from our customers, but it's what enables us to offer an unbeatable quality-to-price ratio.

Low operational costs. Strong expertise.

The three founders don't count the hours and divide these roles among themselves every day: operations management, marketing, administration, creative direction, graphic design, project management, product management, media buying, mailing, production chain, community management, web design, and SEO.

We handle the other areas as a team, supported by external agencies and providers when necessary, thus avoiding costs associated with a large traditional team. Additionally, we have no shareholders or investors to pay. We are 100% self-funded, and the founders still don't pay themselves. Their priority is to evolve the brand and reinvest the profits to serve our mission.

We do what we can, at our scale.

Lastly, we didn't run any crowdfunding campaigns, and we have no shareholders or investors, which means we don't have to answer to anyone. This forced us to manage our budget responsibly, for the better.

We used our savings and reached out to our network from our studies and early days as young professionals, including stylists, factory contacts, fabric suppliers, and people full of good advice. It was through their love for this project that they worked hand in hand with us to make it possible.

Today, we want to thank them from the bottom of our hearts because without these individuals, REPEAT would never have come to life.

Next, we put in the hard work.

Months of research were required to understand menstrual underwear from every angle.

Hand in hand with our talented stylist friends, Morgane and Cuca, whom we met during our studies, we spent a significant amount of time designing, not multiple, but a single menstrual underwear that truly works.

We released our first model, which we constantly improved for over a year, co-creating it with the community we were starting to build. By responding to our product satisfaction questionnaires, you allow us to get better every day.

We focused our efforts on a single product.

We needed a menstrual underwear that could satisfy as many people as possible, regardless of their flow, body shape, gender, or purchasing power.

That's why we worked on one product instead of an entire collection, allowing us to concentrate our efforts, resources, and risks on a single model, avoiding overproduction and reducing costs and waste.

Each product we release will be functional and long-lasting.

Future products will only be introduced based on demand from our Repeaters.

We work with a trusted workshop.

We make sure to reach the highest levels of ethical standards, just like our suppliers.

We had to evaluate numerous garment workshops - and that's an understatement - but we found the ideal one: a carefully selected factory, specialized in underwear, using certified, local, and responsible materials.

We work hand in hand with them, taking significant steps to control and improve our supply chain while ensuring fair pay and working conditions for the employees, adhering to health measures related to the current situation, and maintaining full traceability of our materials in the global lingerie hub of Shantou. Through certified third parties, we conduct regular, objective, and measurable audits following our code of conduct. Without this, our work would be meaningless.

From Marly-la-ville to your mailbox in 1 to 3 days.

Once the underwear is produced and packaged in its 100% biodegradable packaging, we receive a stock by boat at our logistics center in Marly-la-ville, France, near Paris.

This allows us to process your order on the same day and ship it to you immediately from our warehouse, using French carriers.

This way, we reduce transportation costs, intermediaries, and even the carbon footprint.

And our work doesn't stop there. Far from it.

Lastly, we accompany you in this habit change. By essence, REPEAT is a brand that cares for its community. Before, during, and after placing an order, our warm-hearted team members, Marie and Cindy, are there for you every day, and they genuinely consider each of your requests with the time and respect they deserve. For us, that's the most important thing. We will always strive to fully adapt to your needs, and not the other way around, to help you confidently embrace this change.

That's our secret. It just needed some thought.

So, the bet of creating a menstrual underwear at a fair price wasn't that complicated after all. From the very beginning, during the lockdown, the REPEAT project experienced tremendous success.

We never expected such enthusiasm or such strong support from all of you.

Thanks to you, our young French brand is growing, improving every day, and we are able to equip more and more menstruating individuals. We also engage throughout the year with various organizations like Aurore Cœur de Femmes, Maison des Femmes, Règles Élémentaires, and Culottes Sans Frontières to provide support to those in need.

If you want to stay updated on what we do, join us on Instagram.

Every day, more and more of you are changing your lives by switching to our underwear, and it's all thanks to you that the menstrual revolution is in full swing, two years after our birth. A big thank you to all of you.

On our end, we will continue to serve you as best as we can.

Sending our hearts to all the Repeaters,

The REPEAT team